Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What I'm Loving this Week

Food and otherwise...

1. New Girl - I have long been a fan of Zooey Deschanel. She's gorgeous, she's quirky, she funny - the girl can do no wrong. When I heard she was going to have a new comedy on FOX this fall, I was pumped. I've seen the first two episodes now and I have to say - I love it. The plot's pretty relavant to my life - recent-ish breakup, boyfriend cheated, moved in with a new roommate(s). Although I didn't find my roommate on Craigslist and I don't randomly break into song or have the perfect hair. I find myself laughing out loud to this show and that doesn't happen often. I'm not an LOLer when it comes to TV. So check it out, it's on Tuesday nights.

2. Sprinkle Bakes Portrait of Poe in Waldorf Astoria Red Velvet Cake - How cool is this cake? I want this for my next birthday, does that make me weird? First of all, red velvet is my favorite cake. Edgar Allan Poe is my favorite poet. I also like the Baltimore Ravens, who were named after Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Raven. So, this cake is clearly meant for me, right? Heather at Sprinkle Bakes is phenomenal. If I could steal one blog out there, it would be hers. I mean everything she bakes is gorgeous. But this? It takes the cake. Seriously.

Photo courtesy of Sprinkle Bakes

3. Hummus Mediterranean Grill, Philadelphia - I was in Philly on Tuesday for a work event and my co-worker Tori told me we had to go to this restaurant called Hummus for lunch. I was hesitant because though I like hummus, I don't like it enough to go to a restaurant that I assumed served only that. Turns out, Hummus is a fast casual restaurant that serves Mediterranean fare such as falafel, tabouleh, hummus and my new favorite - shawarma. What's shawarma, you might ask? I had no clue, but Tori swore that it was delicious. I placed my order and before I knew it, I had a heaping platter of shawarma, hummus, whole wheat pita, fries, cucumber salad and potato salad. So back to the shawarma - It's spiced chicken roasted on a spit and shaved down and it's delicious. I'd drive two hours back to Philly tonight just to have some more.

4. Couch to 5k - This week I registered for my first 5k, the Hot Chocolate 5k in DC. Let me just preface this by saying, I haven't run a timed mile since high school, when they made us do those mandatory presidential fitness tests. In 7th grade I ran track for a season and tried to convince the coaches that I was asthmatic. Turns out, I was just out of shape and I was about 40 pounds lighter back then. But, nonetheless, I've made it my mission to start running for my health and for my sanity. I downloaded the Couch to 5k app for my iPhone which, over the course of 9 weeks, uses interval training to gradually build your tolerance up to being able to run a 5k. I'm only on week two, but so far so good. I love it!

5. Weezer The Blue Album - It's funny that an album that came out in 1994, when I was only seven years old, has had such an impact on my life. I have fond memories of listening to this album on my disc man (remember those?) on repeat in the back of my parent's suburban on a cross-country family roadtrip. I generally like all of Weezer's albums but consider this to be the best of them all. Last week I had an urge to listen to "Undone" also known as the Sweater song, and I haven't stopped listening to this album since. "Oooh ee oh I look just like Buddy Holly..."

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